Our Company
Regional Dance America/Southeast
We are proud to be a Member Company
Regional Dance America/Southeast (RDA/SE) accepted the Triangle YouthBallet Performing Company as an Intern Company Member in 2005. In April 2006, we were promoted to Performing Company. Membership in this prestigious organization is an honor for the Triangle Youth Ballet, and it further enhances the dance training and performance opportunities for our pre-professional students. Our students participate in the annual RDA/SE Festival and take classes with some of the finest teachers and artistic directors in the country. Since becoming members we have performed in: High Point, Raleigh, Montgomery,​ Montreal, Knoxville, Jackson, and Phoenix.

Become an Associate Member
RDA has launched a new effort to connect ALL RDA dancers (regardless of age or company level), family members, alumni, directors, faculty, and choreographers throughout the country. The RDA Associate network is for everyone! As an RDA Associate, you will have access to all of RDA’s year-round offerings, news, and connections.
Dancers: RDA expands educational offerings and opportunities for dancers of ALL ages!
Family Members: RDA provides resources to help you support your growing dancer, guide their journey, and encourage their development!
Alumni: RDA fosters connections, helps you share memories, and provides opportunities for you to inspire and lead the next generation of dancers!
Faculty & Choreographers: RDA provides networking opportunities, professional development, and sharing best practices to help you learn and grow!
As RDA expands both on-site and virtual year-round offerings, I invite ALL of you dancers, family members, alumni, faculty, and choreographers to take advantage of the wonderful initiatives RDA is spearheading!
The RDA Associate Program is accessible for a donation of $15.00. Please register online.

Triangle Youth Ballet Performing Companies
Membership in our companies is by invitation only. We put on 1-2 full-length productions per year, plus additional performances with other organizations such as the North Carolina Symphony. We are a member company of Regional Dance America/Southeast and participate in the NC Festival of Dance at UNCSA annually. If you would like to be considered for placement in our company, please contact us.
Company Class Schedule 2024-25
Please note: all company members have class requirements in addition to company rehearsals.
Company 1 members must take a minimum of 3 ballet technique classes per week, plus Friday modern.
Company 2 members must take a minimum of 2 ballet technique class per week, plus Friday modern.
Trainees must attend their regular level class twice weekly and are strongly encouraged to attend the Friday intermediate modern class.
Company 1
Tuesday 8:00-9:00 pm
Thursday 6:30-7:30 pm
Friday Advanced Modern and rehearsal 5:30-7:00 pm
Company 2
Monday 8:00-9:00 pm
Friday Advanced Modern and rehearsal 5:30-7:00 pm
Trainee Company
Friday 5:30-7:00 pm